In our society crying is nearly always looked at as an indication that something is wrong. For sure that is commonly the case, and it is good to check with people to make sure they are OK. But crying can be so much more.
I cry for joy fairly regularly. This past Sunday I was with a bunch of friends at Club Verse celebrating Easter dinner. I was surrounded by friends and good times. It was all so beautiful. At one point it was overwhelming. A friend walked by and I grabbed him and hugged him and cried so hard. Those were a 100% tears of joy.
I cry just because life is amazing and sometimes that is overwhelming. Don’t get me wrong I have my issues and I spend plenty of time crying because of pain. I doubt my life is any closer to perfect than yours. What might be different is I let it out.
When life is painful I cry over that. When life is amazing I cry over that.
But to the point of all of this, I think we need to normalize crying for joy. It is allowed at weddings. But in our society that is about it. Where else is it looked at as proper to cry for joy? But why? Everyone should feel free to cry, especially for joy.
Doing so is refreshing. It is so good for the soul. It allows the gratitude to flow.
So the next time you are overcome with joy and your eyes start to water, let it flow. Maybe find a good friend to lean on, or hug, but let it flow. I think you will find it so healthy. Will others look/stare? Maybe. So what. Let them, you be you, especially in your joy.