When people find out that I have only lived in Utah for a few years they commonly ask, 'Why did you move here?'. Depending on the situation I often give them the simple answer, 'For a new job'. While that is true, it is the simple answer, not the real answer. The real answer is… Continue reading The Real Answer
Tag: My Story
Bits about my life story. How I got to be where I am now.
My Happy Thought
Many of you just see me as the Dancing Queen. In those times I am so full of energy and life. Yet there are other times when life for me isn't so perfect when I am not spinning in ecstasy at the music. Like everyone I have those times when life is so very painful… Continue reading My Happy Thought
anomaly {uh-nom-uh-lee} noun (1) a deviation from the normal rule, type, arrangement, or form. (2) a person or thing that is abnormal or does not fit in (3) an incongruity or inconsistency. I am an Anomaly. I am 61 years old and have more energy and zeel for life than most people half my age. That… Continue reading Anomaly