
A Down Weekend

As most of you now I keep pretty busy and I prefer life that way. Like everyone I have plenty of work and chores on the weekdays. But I also try to make room for a night or two of climbing and sometimes other events. The I get really busy on the weekend, often going from one very active event to another. But recently it occurred to me that it might be health to occasionally have some not so active time.

My idea was that every few weeks I should have a “Down Weekend”. Down as in slow down and chill, something I am not that good at. I felt it had to be a whole weekend other wise I would just party my ass off one day and “chill” (aka recover) the next, but the is not the idea.

The idea is that every so often it would be good to let my body rest a bit. Maybe actually sleep in and not feel guilty because I didn’t do a zillion things before noon. Maybe just play some games or watch some shows. Maybe just do some of the, Dare I say it?, sedentary things others do.

So I am going to give this idea a try. I’m aiming for every six weeks but that will be adjusted according to other things on my calendar. Maybe after I have had a few down weekend I will let you know how it works out.